Thesis Proposal on Information Technology
The development of new technologies contributed consistently to the progress of communication and computing in the contemporary world. In fact, information technologies are considered to be very perspective since they can provide a fast development of a company. In this regard, it is necessary to underline that the use of IT by ordinary people as well as companies is constantly growing that results in the rapid development of e-commerce and the growing need in the more effective use of IT, Internet and computers at large. In such a situation, the introduction of new technologies naturally responses to the growing needs of people and, at the same time, offer new services and larger opportunities for users of IT and Internet. In this respect, it is possible to trace the evolution of Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and the perspective of the creation of Web 3.0.
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On analyzing the current situation and perspectives of the introduction of Web 3.0, it is necessary to briefly dwell upon the origin and development of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 business models. It should be pointed out that originally Web 1.0 provided extremely limited opportunities for users, which nowadays seem to be practically elementary. In fact, Web 1.0, being the first generation of Internet, could provide ample information to users but this information was chaotic and users could not really navigate and search the information they really needed effectively using Web 1.0 model. Basically, the use of Web 1.0 was a one-sided process where users could have access to the information but they could hardly interact with each other that became the characteristics of the next generation of Internet, Web 2.0. Obviously, such a seeming simplicity of the first generation of Internet was determined by the existing needs of people, who basically had a large amount of information that could be stored in their computers and they could give its information to their customers, for instance, by means of Internet but customers could not respond virtually to the information they could access via Internet.
The Web 2.0 provided the opportunity for the interaction between users of Internet that was also determined by the growing needs and demands of users. To put it more precisely, users had a lot of information to share with each other. The development of IT and spread of Internet made it available to people worldwide. This is why it became a very convenient and accessible means of communication and interaction. As a result, users could not only receive some information but they could also share it and communicate with each other. Naturally, this stimulated the development of new virtual communities and new culture. People have started to benefit from Internet, developing their e-business as well as communicating with each other.
At the same time, the second generation of Internet, contributed to the creation of more effective search engine which could help users search for the information they need and find it in abundance. In this respect, tagging was particularly important because it helped identify keywords and, on their basis, users could find the information they searched for. However, the new opportunities of Internet concerning the search of information were and still are far from perfect and the existing drawbacks of search engines and actual needs of people reveal the enormous gap which Web 3.0 could narrow.
What is meant here is the fact that the use of the contemporary search engine of Web 2.0 can provide users with a huge amount of information but this information is just a list of links to various websites where the information users search for is presented. But the problem is that users can waste a lot of time and still have difficulties with the finding the information they really need because the existing search engines cannot go beyond the denotative meaning of keywords and systemize the information stored in different websites and databases. To solve this problems search engines of Web 3.0 could provide the systemized information to users and, what is more give information on concrete questions of users. In fact, the next generation of Internet will open new opportunities to users providing them not only systemized information on issues they are interested in, but also can potentially facilitate their life becoming personal advisors of users. At the same time, Web 3.0 will be able to consolidate information and rate sites, which though put companies under the threat of being low-rated and loose potential customers, while the high rating will contribute to their popularity. Finally, Web 3.0 is supposed to deliver users with complete solutions providing ample and precise information they search for.
Thus, it is obvious that the development of Web 3.0 is very important because the contemporary Internet offers users abundance of information but cannot provide adequate system of its search and delivery to users. On the other hand, the transformation of AI into personal advisors of people and source of ready-made solutions exposes new challenges, such as the automation of human skills and increasing role of machines compared to humans.
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