Dissertation on Gun Control
The issue of gun control has been one of the most controversial issues in the XX century. Every time some outstanding assassination involving gun takes place, the public opinion proactively supports gun control, when the laws are getting more stringent, the reaction takes place, because guns are not only for criminal activities but also for self-protection or hunting, etc.
Solely gun control will not prevent us from the rise of criminal activities. If a murderer or a terrorist has an aim, he will find other ways of hurting the victim. Gun control might be efficient only if additionally registration and mandatory safety trainings, and the most important thing - the national educational program forming the cultural perception of humanism, loyalty, and common understanding are in force.
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The list of reasons supporting gun control the top is lead by the horrifying cases of mass assassination, taking place throughout the country. Unmotivated violence and increased aggression on the streets and in public places – malls, schools, and universities lead to the rise of activities supporting gun control.
When you think of all the innocent victims the reasons for gun control are needless. But that is pure emotion, one might claim. Indeed. Still, are not all these lives worth saving?
Let us now turn to more rational reasons supporting gun control. Many people, including myself, believe that owning a gun provides a sense of empowerment, hard to obtain being unarmed.
Controlling the availability of weapon might have added to the overall security nationwide. If there is no temptation, there is no sin.
The world has changed, it is not Wild West anymore, and Thomas Jefferson’s “No man shall ever be debarred the use of arms” (Virginia Constitution, 1776) proves to be against the nation itself more and more often. The story of Seung-Hui Cho, killed 32 people and wounded many more in Virginia Tech massacre, is a valid proof some should definitely be debarred the use of arms. It is symbolical that this act of violence took place in Virginia. Is not it ironic, taking into consideration the above-mentioned Thomas Jefferson’s statement?
There are numerous associations and unions supporting and disputing the issue of gun control. Those that are strongly against turn to the U.S Constitution.
Certainly, the second amendment claiming “…The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” is still in force, and it is one of the strongest points against gun control. America is a free country, and the freedom is one of the greatest values of every American. Still, the Gun Control Act was necessary to limit the access to weapon of the freedom-loving Americans, whose presidents, like John F. Kennedy, and civil rights movement leaders, like Martin Luther King, Jr. were being shot in the course of the century.
Another reason against gun control is that is does not prevent crime, while significantly limits the possibility of self-defense. Numerous cases of violence on the streets including unarmed and thus practically helpless victims are being registered each day across country. The cases are so numerous people have become used to the violence surrounding them, especially in urban areas. Only cases involving mass violence, like the case in Virginia Tech win the attention of mass media and thus the audience. “Standard” cases are being piled up in the local police departments and are hardly ever covered in the news. Still, the existing level of gun control did not limit the crime rate; it has only disarmed common people, who could have protected themselves otherwise.
In fact, our attitude towards the gun control issue greatly depends on the experience we have in relation to it. The opinion of a mother whose child was killed in a school shooting will most probably oppose the opinion of a raped woman.
As the issue gets more personal, the viewpoint gets clearer, yet is issue of gun control does not cease to be controversial.
Taking into consideration all the pros and cons of gun control, I believe it is not efficient in the fight against the delinquency, but it might be useful in combination with other means of influencing the nation.
Among them the priority should be given to the nationwide program of cultural education, elimination of social tensions and intolerance. Gun registration and mandatory safety trainings should also be introduced across the country. Gun control itself will not eliminate the problem, it is only a pain-killer that will blunt the ache, not cure the illness.
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