PhD Thesis on Knowledge
In order to be able to understand and clarify the problems of knowledge, knowledge has to be defined first.
According to the Bertelsman Enzyklopedia it is the act or state of knowing a clear perception of fact, truth, or duty.
All that what the average human being considers to be knowledge is based on facts, figures, speeches, experiences, wisdom, books, statements, etc.
Already there you can realise a contradiction of the definitions.
We have a huge store of knowledge of an abstract and general kind about history, science, mathematics and so on. For instance, we know that 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 1+3=4, etc. Our knowledge of arithmetic's alone is enormous and perhaps infinite.
In order to "know" X two conditions have to be satisfied:
(1)You must believe in X;
(2) P must be true.
Actually this means that knowledge is true belief and not facts, figures, etc., because these are based on the true belief, which is defined as knowledge.
The list of the things you "know" about your immediate surroundings is countlessly long. If you are sitting in a room while you are reading this, then you could list many items of knowledge about the furniture in the room, their position and colour, about the architecture and so on.
How do you actually know that you are sitting in a room? How do you know that the furniture next to you is next to you and not under you? Are you sure that red is red and not green?
In Ancient Greece humans tried to establish a truthful and objective reality. Now we call it science, but actually true knowledge of objective reality doesn't exist. Every human creature has got a subjective view of truth, which is called consciousness. He, she and it experiences life and society in their own and unique way.
It might also be that knowledge is based on experience. If experience was the basis of knowledge, then our knowledge would be on the same level like of cats and dogs, meaning that after an appearance of a bowl they would know there is going to be food. This would conclude that we wouldn't ever be able to understand why things happen as they do.
At this stage of knowledge it is impossible neither to define knowledge nor to find out definite problems of knowledge. The more knowledge you gain, the more questions are created.
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