Dissertation on Persistence
One of our great presidents said the following: "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not, nothing is more common. Genius will not, unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not, the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."
Of all the "Keys to Success", none of them more easily turns the tumblers of the lock of success than Persistence. We are certainly aware of the power of persistence...we see it all around us. It's on the television, or we hear about it on the news, and read about in the newspapers--people who have faced great difficulty or misfortune and have rallied something deep within themselves to keep trying--over and over again, through setback after setback, obstacle after obstacle, through hardship and often pain and have stayed the course to realize the object of their desire.
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I have observed a problem common in most people who want to be successful in life. That is, most of them, while fully aware of what it takes to succeed, are willing to do "some" of the things necessary to achieve, but not everything. They pick and choose, most often it's the easy things, or those activities that are not too demanding and present the greatest opportunity for success--even if it really doesn't move them toward their goals. If things get too hard, they simply abandon the project and move on to something else. They really don't put forth the effort necessary to meet the challenge. They look down the road and see the whole of work and effort required to reach their goals, and think of all the hard work involved, the complications and difficulties; as a result they choose to do nothing...except make excuses.
Most people attending the emotionally charged "Motivation" seminars and speeches come away from the event with a new sense of commitment, determination and fervor that is rivaled only by a "born again" experience. However, many, without the understanding of what it takes to become truly successful, hit a snare or two and proclaim to anyone who will listen that "This stuff doesn't work." I think a lot of the more popular motivational speakers do a grave disservice to those who pay very good money to hear them speak, and all the attendee receives is a lot of "pie-in-the-sky" hype with no real direction or techniques on how to apply what they've heard. Of course, some of them will tell their audience that they have to persist, and it sounds relatively easy when they say it--but IT ISN'T! These people go on to believe that all they have to do is think positive and all their dreams will come true. They aren't told of the mountains they will have to climb; the setbacks they will inevitably experience; the occasions when they will doubt themselves and their sanity; the criticism they will have to endure at the hand of those who have no understanding at all of what it takes to succeed in life; the times when you know you have no more to give; the times when giving up becomes the lessor of two evils--when failure is an easy pill to swallow. Please let me inject something here. You can only fail when you cease to try any longer. And if you are not prepared for what you must face, and committed to see it through, you will be very disillusioned when storms come and the winds blow. Now, I'm not saying everything you'll do to reach your goal is going to be difficult. All kinds of obstacles will present themselves, some of them will be pretty hard and you'll think there is no way you'll ever overcome this one, while others will be so minor you'll overcome it with little thought or effort.
It is important, perhaps more important, to enjoy the journey of success than to reach your destination...to have fun in the process. But, please, be aware that the down times will come. What these times should show us are opportunities to strengthen our resolve and commitment; to develop that positive characteristic and tenacity needed to triumph over this challenge.
I meet people all the time in my seminars who have "earned" success. They relate times when they were on track to achieving their goals and dreams when out of nowhere they were blind sided and the rug was pulled out from under them. Some of them had to start all over again, not just once or twice, but several times.
Have you seem the new NikeTM commercial with Michael Jordan. Jordan says he has lost 300 games, missed over 9000 shots, and when the game was on the line and he was given the ball to take the winning shot--27 time he failed. He goes on to say, "I've failed over and over and over again...and this is why I succeed."
This commercial says volumes to those who believe there is no place for failure, or setbacks in the process of becoming and being successful in life. Sometimes, the only way we discover what will work to help us along the road of success is to discover what will not. Probably the only people on this planet who have not made a mistake are those who have never tried anything of consequence. We've talked about this before. Failure is our only real teacher. If we don't learn from our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them. Repeat them enough, we either search for something else and persist, or we give up, blame others and make excuses. But failure (I'd much rather call them challenges, obstacles, or setbacks) is no reason to stop trying. The right to fail is just as important as your right to succeed. Personally, I don't know of, and have never read or heard of anyone who has become successful without that success being hinged on failures...and lots of them. The difference between them and the "also rans", or should I say, "the also signed up's, but quit along the way," is that they persisted. They knew the sun would shine and the rains would come, also. They prepared themselves because they knew that on the other side of adversity, once they broke through the barrier, there is always a reward which outweighs the struggles and hardship. Only those people who are willing and determined to try and try again after suffering setbacks, refusing to be beat down and be listed among those who had dreams, but didn't have the faith in themselves nor the courage or strength to lift themselves up and try one more time. Some of these people will never know if this "one more try" will be the key to unlock the door that leads to the wonderful life of successful achievement all men desire.
Only those who patiently and systematically apply themselves and persist will be rewarded with the joys, satisfaction and accomplishments they seek. G. B. Shaw said, "Success does not consist in never making a mistake but in never making the same one a second time."
People who are successful, by whatever terms they define success, have seen in their imaginations a life for themselves and those they love so exciting and inviting. They feel their dreams are far too important not to take the actions necessary to make them real. They work hard and persist minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, year in and year out to make their dreams something they can finally see with their eyes and touch with their hands.
It is impossible not to be struck by the awesome power that comes from persisting when coming face to face with those moments when all you have is the faith of your convictions and the white hot fire of desire; those moments when everything you believe about yourself and what you are really made of is challenged; those moments when everything is on the line and it's time to perform. It is times like these that nothing else you've done matters more than your ability, right now, to persist! It's times like these that will determine whether or not you will succeed or fail. Understand this, you will not win every battle. You may not overcome every adversity, but you can be assured that every effort you put forth and continue to put forth will give you the courage and commitment to keep trying, to keep persisting--and this, my friend, WILL guarantee the victory of the war.
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