PhD Thesis on Energy
Energy is the ability to do work, a force multiplied by the distance. . There are two types of energy, Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy. Potential energy is the capacity to do work. Kinetic energy is the total amount of work that is done. As an object moves it is transformed from Potential to Kinetic energy. We begin our process by the soaking up of energy through plants, or our producers. The producers then use this energy as a form of food. They then store this food for its nutrients, and then releases its wastes in the form of O . The consumers use this as energy, and store it as well until they are ready to release their waste in the form of CO . This CO combined with H O, which is water; the producers can reproduce and even grow themselves. H O helps the nutrients in the soil get to the roots for the plants to continue the process of photosynthesis. Once a carnivore dies it begins to decompose. This is another form of food for the herbivores. The process will then start over and continue indefinitely.
All cells have the ability to obtain and convert energy, which in turn is called ATP. Plants, for example, produce food by photosynthesizing sunlight into ATP. ATP is an energy carrier; it transfers some energy to metabolic workers and is formed by aerobic respiration. When a cell retains energy it is stored for a period of time, once it is released it flows through the body in the form of ATP. We need fats to give us the energy we need to move on in life. Too much fat on the other hand is very bad for you. Fats do give us the most energy source, but if we do not burn it as fast as possible then our body will store it for later use. Once too much fat is stored pockets form on the body and begin to stretch the skin. Too much fat can also lead to obesity, and very harmful strain on the heart and respiratory system.
Proteins are a major part of the muscle growing process in our body. We need proteins to build up muscle and break down fat. The protein we need for muscular growth in a way is like the food and fuel that our muscles need for life. Not enough protein can lead to muscle atrophy, and an unhealthy life style. Proteins in turn also give us the ATP, or energy that we need for our full capacity of work. We also need a well balance mixture of ATP, proteins, and H O. H O helps with the excretion process of the body. When wastes are excreted from the body, it allows room for more energy to come in be stored and used.
Carbohydrates are a fuel for the body. We need sugars for the nutrients in our blood. There must also be aright balance of these carbohydrates, or the blood will have too much sugar. This can lead to many chronic diseases such as; diabetes, cancer (some types), some form of a cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. We take the carbon out of the carbohydrates and extract them in the form of CO , which in turn is used for the absorption and food in plants.
We all need carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for the fuel in the energy process. Once the ATP is formed we then use the excretion process to extract CO , which is used in the fuel and energy process for plants. When the plants use the food to make ATP, and they absorb energy from the sun, they will then extract O for the oxidization of our systems. We then take the O and H O, and use it in our production to form the CO for plants; and the cycle continues indefinitely.
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