PhD Thesis on Depression
Proverbs 13:12 tells us that a hope deferred makes the heart sick, but what this really means to us is that the pain of unfulfilled hope can cause physical nausea. Deferred hope is just one among many avenues that depression can creep in on us. Depression affects everyone and all ages, even infants; it is known as the common cold among mental disorders. It has also been called "the most widespread, serious, and costly psychiatric disease afflicting humankind today" (Collins 105). The best definition I have found sums up this emotion/illness states that "depression is a troubled state or mood that consists of several ongoing disturbances in energy levels, sleep, appetite, and the ability to concentrate" (Sper). The nature of depression is about giving up hope. There is a strong pull to quit, it is always much easier to just give up hope and let life just run it course. We need to realize that there is hope even for that who feels that all hope is lost. "Depression creates an additional set of problems that locks our souls in a dungeon of gloom" (Sper). It is important to note that grieving is not depression. One of the main differences is feelings. When people grieve they feel sorrowful, while in depression one is just numb.
There are a few similar characteristics/symptoms of people who share in depression. These characteristics can help the counselor if he/she is looking for them while meeting with a patient. In summary: (1) sadness (2) apathy (3) general fatigue (4) low self-esteem (5) loss of spontaneity (6) insomnia (7) loss of appetite, are just a few symptoms of depression. Even though depression is an emotion it has great bearing on our physical bodies. Also another possibility for depression is anger turned inward. This is anger that has not been expressed and sometimes even denied, which had developed from a previous hurt of some sort. Usually this hurt had developed because of some disappointment or because of actions of some other person. Instead of admitting this that one hurts, the individual ponders and ponders over the actions of themselves or others and begins to get angry. The anger then hides the hurt and if the anger is not admitted, expressed it can then lead to feelings about hurting one. When a person gets to this stage they need to be very cautious because it can lead to violent and destructive behavior. Realizing that violence is no means to the end the person tries to hide their feelings which takes a lot of energy and wears down their system. There are numerous passages in the bible that can give us examples of how to deal with our feelings like these. Ephesians 4:26 tells us not to let sun go down on our anger. This would help everyone involved in certain situations to avoid this type of anger-depression. "Depression has an uncanny ability to take on a life of its own. The ability to reason and reflect gets swallowed up as the physical and emotional disturbances take over" (Sper). This would be a reason among many to want to deal with issues as they arrive, because our God is not a God chaos and disorder; besides listing self-control as a fruit of the Spirit.
"Depression rarely comes out of nowhere" (Sper). So then where does it come from? One factor is listed as a physical factor. Such things as having a disease can cause someone to be depressed for obvious reasons such as not being able to function as everyone else or as one would like to themselves. Even catching the common cold can bring a person emotionally down because they are physically down. Another physical factor is one that is usually overlooked in most all cases is diet and exercise. "What we eat and our level of exercise are two significant areas that affect the interaction between body and soul and, in turn, the setup for depression" (Aarti). We also know that lack of sleep can have an enormous effect on our personalities. Look at Elijah in 1 Kings 18-19. He had to rest and sleep until his system was rejuvenated enough for him to think straight. At one point in time he did not even want to live because he was so exhausted from running away from his "mountain top" experience, which is another paper all in itself. "I have had enough, Lord, take my life; I am no better than my ancestors. Then he lay down under the tree and fell asleep" (1 Kings 19:4-5). Sometimes we need to take a break and step away to relax and get physically as well as emotionally rejuvenated. Despite all Elijah did then he wanted to quit life itself. Considering that he was so tried from traveling so far so fast we can understand how he thought his situation looked a bit grim. This should demonstrate to everyone especially for persons going into the ministry that neglecting our bodies, failing to get the correct nutrition, sleep and exercise will not further one's ministry it could possibly even hinder it.
Another way depression is known to weight people down is through their family background and past abuse. This is one of the more obvious factors that influence depression. "Every family carries the capacity to nurture or injure" (Sper). Those who struggle with depression might have had a rough past where criticism, rejection, and violence influenced them. Gary Collins tells us that "evidence suggests that childhood experiences can lead to depression in later life" (107). Statistics seem to relay that ones childhood is extremely sensitive Gary Collins continues by stating that "depression is more lilely when parents blatantly or subtly reject their children or when status-seeking families set unrealistically high standards that children are unable to meet" (108). This produces a "who cares" type of attitude, why try when it is unobtainable. The loss of hope is apparent.
What happens when the family is stable and sustains a loss? This is another avenue that depression can creep in. the loss of anything: job, spouse, personal freedom, health can cause one to become depressed. Job is a good example for us in dealing with this particular issue in our lives. Job sustained numerous losses in his life yet in the end he bounced back but he did have a long time of despair. Job 7:2-7 shows us his depressive mood:
"Like a slave longing for the evening shadows, or a hired man waiting eagerly for his wages, so I have been allotted months of futility, and nights of misery have been assigned to me. When I lie down I think, 'How long before I get up?' The night drags on, and I toss till dawn. My body is clothed with worms and scabs, my skin is broken and festering. "My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and they come to an end without hope. Remember, O God, that my life is but a breath; my eyes will never see happiness again."
This is what he felt as he lost his family, his health and all his possessions. Was this unfair? It could be and these feelings of injustice can also lead to depression. Working hard, serving the Lord and following the rules the line can lead to a loss of hope when someone is recognized over another or rewarded in some fashion. Feelings of despair and loss of hope "can deteriorate into a mild or major bout with depressionwhen we internally give up and say to ourselves," why bother. Things aren't going to improve. So what's the use in trying" (Aarti).
Giving up is a self-destructive response that will most definitely lead to depression. Usually anxiety will give way to this type of attitude because of fears that one has towards the outcome of the situation. Part of giving up is blaming others. When people do not do things the way we want them done or see that they should be done in a certain way. One will take that as a reason to just give up.
Missed placed hopes can almost totally encompass depression. People may give up because they think life is pointless without what they have lost or the things they can not obtain. People give up totally because they seen no reason to love, work, or to say involved with life if they can not do what they want and how they want it. David Sper said that
"Many who struggle with depression feel despair because they put their primary hopes for meaning and joy in all the wrong places--such as a boyfriend or girlfriend, a job, a happier marriage, or a house. Essentially, they placed their hopes in a false god of their own making--one that could never satisfy their souls. And when these false gods or illusions of fulfillment seem hopelessly lost, out of reach, or indifferent to their needs, the tendency is to give up on life."
As an upcoming counselor I will need to be able to see this in people and help them to refocus on God instead of what this world brings into our circle of life. 2 Corinthians 4:16 reassures us that God is able to renew our hearts in the midst of any great despair that we are going through. The Counselee's part is to face the truth of the situation and admit that the feelings to lie within and that they want to change. I know that I do not have the power to make people change if they do not want to. One of my favorite passages in the Bible is Romans 5:3-5 which can help direct us when we are going through some troubling times, and that we need to have that hope, a hope that God will do what is best for us and protect us. It has been said that loss is at the center of depression. We need to be able to feel the pain before we can overcome it with the strength of God. The road to recover is a long and gradual one, but one filled with hope and life of joy with God. There are numerous ways to counsel depression, but I have only opted to talk about my faith in God. My reasoning is that if I have faith in God I can live a life of encouragement for others. Going into counseling I need to know certain answers and above all live it myself. I have found that trying things on my own gets me now where I want to be. God has always been there for me. Even when I think things are unfair I know He has a better plan than I do and I want to live that life to be an example to the people I come into contact with.
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