Language is a means to give or exchange information; news, idea or opinions, through language people learn from one another the things they want to know. Imagine if human beings could not communicate with one another. If a person cannot communicate, he will not talk to other people, and no other people will talk to him anything. So it would be impossible for him to learn anything.
One of language is English. It is a compulsory subject in Indonesia that must be learned by the Indonesian students from the Junior high school up to University
English as a foreign language will arise some difficulties which are faced by Indonesian people / students because in learning a new language will arise some difficulties which are faced by Indonesian people/students because in learning a new language the students tend to transfer their native language habit to the new language.
According to the statement above, the writer tries to present a comparative study of the two languages, Indonesian and English Especially on the adverb to avoid mistransformation which is made by the Indonesian students.
The general teaching-learning process of English in the classroom, the teacher rare relates the materials with the native language of the students, in this case, Indonesian language, as comparison. Whereas the teacher can relate the materials of English teaching with the Indonesian language. By seeing this fact, the writer tries to arise some problems, those are:
1. How many kinds of the English and Indonesian adverbs?
2. Are the kinds of the English and Indonesian adverbs the same or not?
3. What are the rules of the process of the English and Indonesian adverbs formation?
4. Are the rules of the process the same or not?
5. From what part of speech are they formed?
6. Is there similarity between English and Indonesian adverb formation?
7. In what aspect are they similar?
8. Is there difference between English and Indonesian adverb formation?
9. In what aspects are they different?
10. Where is the position of The English and Indonesian adverb in sentences?
1. There are many kinds of the English and Indonesian adverbs, for examples: adverbs of manner, place, time, (kata keterangan kualitatif, tempat, waktu).
2. In general kinds of the English and Indonesian adverbs are the same.
3. The rules of the process depend on the part of speech or their formations.
4. The rules of the process may be different.
5. They are formed from base and affixations.
6. There are similarities between English and Indonesian adverb formation.
7. They are similar in their process.
8. There are differences between the English and Indonesian adverb formation.
9. They are different in their process.
10. The position of the English and Indonesian adverbs are before subject, verb, or after verb.
Because of the limited time, energy, facilities, knowledge and opportunity, the writer wants to compare between English and Indonesian adverb in the kinds, formation, and their position in the sentences.
1. To know some kinds of the English and Indonesian adverbs.
2. To know the process of the English and Indonesian adverbs formation.
3. To know the rules of the process of the English and Indonesian adverb formation.
4. To know the position of the English and Indonesian adverb in sentences.
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