Dissertation on Malcolm X
Malcolm X was one of the most influential Black Americans to advocate of Black Nationalism during the 1950's and 1960's. He transformed himself from a petty Criminal, into a defender of the rights of Blacks. He was also a pioneer of self defense against white violence.
Malcolm Little was born on May 19, 1925, in Omaha Nebraska. His father was a follower of Marcus Garvey, a black leader who worked to establish close political and economical ties to Africa. In 1929, he watched his house burn down by the hands of the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan. His father was found dead after being run over by a train in 1931.
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Malcolm believed that white racist did this, and after this incident, he became a rebellious youth. His mother was committed to a mental hospital when he was 12. He spent the rest of his childhood in foster homes, and became discouraged by the racial prejudice around him, such that he was told that becoming a lawyer was unrealistic. After a few years in foster homes, he became a good student, and he was voted class president.
He attended school in East Lansing, Michigan, however, he dropped out in 9th grade. He moved to Boston, and then to New York when he was 16 with relatives, and became involved in the Harlem underground. He went to prison for fourteen accounts 8-10 years for burglary during 1946 and 1952. While in prison he was read up on and converted to the Nation of Islam, known as Black Muslims, which was led by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. They taught that white people were devils. He replaced the surname "little" with the "X", symbolizing his bad habits of smoking, drinking, sex with white women, and drugs.
He was a powerful speaker, and expressed his anger of the troubled Black people in America. He spoke with bitterness, against the white exploitation of black people, and he developed a brilliant platform style, which soon won him large and dedicated followers. He founded mosques in Boston, Philadelphia, and Harlem, and began the Muslim newspaper "Muhammad Speaks" in 1961. For this, he was named the National Spokesman, and awarded the Mosques No. 7 in Harlem, the most important pastorate after the Chicago headquarters.
Malcolm X quickly became the Nation of Islam's most important minister. He was a fiery, urging blacks to gain their freedom anyway they could. He started to become unsatisfied with the Nation of Islam, mostly because they avoided political activity. Malcolm X rejected the black integration and non-violence as a principles, but cooperated with Martin Luther Kind, and other Civil Right Leaders who favored "militant non-violent protests", although he was disliked because he suggested violence.
An ideological split developed between Malcolm X and the more conservative Elijah Muhammad. When President Kennedy was assassinated, Malcolm stated that it was "case of chickens coming home to roost", the type of violence used against blacks. In 1963, Elijah Muhammad ordered a period of silence for Malcolm X, because of internal disputes, jealousy of Malcolm's success, and Malcolm's comments on President's Kennedy's assassination. In 1964, he left the Nation of Islam, and founded the National Mosque, Inc. He had a pilgrimage to Mecca, and embraced the universal brotherhood, where his name became "El Hajj Malik Shabazz". After this, he stated that white people were not devils, and developed a social revolution theory. In 1965, he founded the organization of Afro American Unity, to internationalize the flight of Americans Unity, and to make a cause with the third world nations.
By this time, most of the followers of the Nation of Islam had condemned Malcolm X as a hypocrite and traitor because of Elijah Muhammad, the group's leader. Malcolm X was shot during a speech in New York City on February 21, 1965. Three members of the Nation of Islam were convicted. His autobiography was released after his death, and made him an ideological hero, especially among black youth. His autobiography was written by Alex Haley. His family believes that he was assassinated for teaching Markus Garvey's ideas.
According to Malcolm X he stated, "I am not a racist. In the past I permitted myself to be used...to make sweeping indictments of all white people, the entire white race, and theses generalizations have caused injuries to some whites and perhaps did not deserve to be hurt. Because of the spiritual enlightenment which I was blessed to receive as a result of my recent pilgrimage to the Holy city of Mecca, I no longer subscribe to sweeping indictments of ant one race. I am now striving to live the life of a true...Muslim. I must repeat that I am not a racist nor do I subscribe to the tenets of racism. I can state in all sincerity that I wish nothing but freedom, justice and equality, life. liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people." I thought I saw Malcolm as a racist in the movie. I thought that Malcolm addressed the "white man" in his speeches with great prejudice. I thought that some of the topics in which Malcolm talked about was racist, but not all of the topics in which he talked about were racist. Malcolm X at some points talked about how black people should be treated equally and how black people should not be pushed over so easily. I agree with that, but the part where he calls all white people devils and where he calls us "white men"‚ to be a disgrace to all mankind I find to be very derogatory. I realize that in today's age, it is all about getting along and all about knowing people so you can get through life the best you can no matter what kind of color you are: purple, green, black, orange, red, white, or yellow.
I thought that Islam affected Malcolm's view on race in a great deal because it through up a smoke screen so to say as an excuse of why people were being pushed over. I find that wrong and very immoral when it comes to that no matter what religion you are.
Islam made Malcolm think along with others that all white people are bad and do not trust them because they will only stab you in the back latter on. Like it or not all people do that and just not a certain race. Islam made Malcolm only see one issue at a time and not the whole picture. Not all white people are like that and not all black people are like that. The teaching of Islam did not specify what white folks were like that it just made a particular remark about a certain class with no back up type of information. Initially Malcolm X was very outspoken about anti-white and anti-integration between races. These were the fundamental beliefs of the Nation of Islam-the organization Malcolm X rose to be a national spokesperson for. It was in the last two year of his life that Malcolm X became Malik El-Shabazz. He used this name because he experienced in Mecca that all men are equal regardless of their color. He now was part of a global and color blind community. This is what he preached on his return to the U.S. and this is why, some believe, he was assassinated in 1965.
Malcolm represents a leader which all communities look up to as dynamic, intelligent, and most importantly revitalizing. The Muslims of today, from all parts of the world see Malcolm as a man who not only had strong convictions and beliefs, but was not afraid to voice them and stand up to a system which expects conformity to a certain way of thinking. Malcolm transformed himself from a street hustler to an articulate leader and was convinced that others could change for the better as well. In his autobiography he wrote: "My whole life had been a chronology of changes". When we remember Malcolm X, we cannot ignore that he did change from seeing race as a dividing issue to his final testimony as a Muslim who believed in a religion which spells out clearly that all humankind is created and judged equally.
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