PhD Thesis on Aviation Management:
* Headquarters:
Of particular importance is the Office of Chief Counsel. This office is the legal arm of the FAA regarding regulatory interpretation. The Chief Counsel has responsibility for all legal activities of the Federal Aviation Administration.
* Regional Offices
FAA Region consists of a regional headquarters, field offices and facilities.
Regional headquarters consists of the Office of the Regional Administrator, which is responsible for the overall management of the Regional Administrator, which is responsible for the overall management of the specific region ; support staff, who advice the Regional Administrator; and program divisions, which direct the operational activities of the field offices and facilities.
* Locations
* Lead Region Concept:
The FAA was too widely scattered, and in order to satisfactorily meet the requirement of certifying new transport category aircraft, an alternate method of the certification process was necessary.
*District Offices & Field Offices:
The manufacturing Inspection District Offices (MIDO)= The MIDO provides for original and supplemental airworthiness certification or approval of civil aircraft, engines propellers, parts and appliances including surplus military products and parts. It also conducts inspection surveillance of manufacturing facilities producing civil aircraft, engines and propellers to determine compliance with prescribed safety standards.
Airport District Offices (ADO)=ADOs are outlying units or extensions of regional Airport Divisions. They advise and assist public agencies and their agents with the submission of project requests for establishing, improving , equipping, and financing of airports under the Airport Development Aid Program and in obtaining surplus property Disposal Program. They also provide advisory services to the owners and operators of both public and private airports regarding the operation of both public and private airports regarding the operation and maintenance of their airports.
Airways Facilities Sector Field Office (AFSFO)= The AFSFO is subordinate to the Airway Facilities Sector and is located away from the sector headquarters. It is sometimes the reporting point for more subordinate technical units called airway facilities sector Field Office Units (AFSFOU).
Civil Aviation Security Field Office (CASFO)= The CASFO administers and monitors FAA's civil aviation security programs designed to combat hijacking and sabotage. They maintain liaison with airlines, airport operators, government, industry, and law enforcement officials on air transportation matters.
Flight Inspection Field Offices (FIFOs) and Flight Inspection Groups (FIGs)= These organizations conduct in-flight inspections and evaluations of all navigation and landing aids and certify, decertify, or landing purposes. They also make site surveys and determine the safety and practicability of associated flight procedures.
Flight Standards District Office (FSDO)= The FSDO combines functions of an Air Carrier District Office (ACDO) and General Aviation District Office (GADO) which at one time were separate offices. The Air Carrier office conducts those activities within their respective districts relating to the certification, inspection, and surveillance of operations, maintenance programs and facilities of air carriers and commercial operators. The General Aviation office conducts those air safety programs relating to certification, inspection, and surveillance of general aviation operators.
* FAA Operational facilities:
Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT)= The ATCT terminal facility, through the use of air/ ground communications, visual signaling, and other devices, provides air traffic control (ATC) services to airborne aircraft operating in the vicinity of an airport and to aircraft operating on the movement area.
Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)= The ARTCC facility provides air traffic control services to aircraft operating on Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plans within controlled air space, principally during the enroute phase of flight. When equipment capabilities and controller workload permit, certain advisory/ assistance services may be provided to aircraft flying under Visual Flight Rules.
Airways Facilities Sector (AFS)= Airway Facilities Sectors are major organizational elements operating in the field environment. They handle system maintenance operations and provide engineering services on a day-to-day basis under the general direction of the regional AF Division. These organizations conduct a maintenance and certification program to assure the continued operation, accuracy, and reliability of all air traffic control, air navigation, communication facilities and ancillary equipment assigned to them. Sector managers report directly to the regional Airway Facilities Division Chief.
Flight Service Station (FSS)= An FSS is an Air Traffic facility which provides pilot briefing, enroute communication and Visual Flight Rules (VFR) search and rescue services. It assists lost aircraft and aircraft in emergency situation, relays ATC clearances, originates Notices to Airmen, broadcasts aviation weather and NAS information, receives and processes IFR flight plans and monitors radio air navigation facilities (NAVAIDS). At selected locations, FSSs provide enroute Flight Advisory Service (Flight Watch). In addition, some Automated Flight Service Stations are responsible for extended service areas.
Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON)= The TRACON is an air traffic control facility that uses radar and air/ ground communications to provide approach control services to aircraft arriving, departing or transiting the airspace controlled by the facility. Service may be provided to both civil and military airports. A TRACON is similar to RAPCON (USAF), RATCF (Navy) and ARAC (Army).
FAA international field office: Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, LOCATED in Oklahoma City, it also contains the FAA Academy and Civil Aviation Medical Institute (CAMI).
*Types of Inspectors:
Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI)= ASI is a title assigned to all FAA inspectors assigned to a field office.
Aviation Safety Program Manager (ASPM)= The Aviation Safety Program Manager is responsible for initiating and conducting FAA aviation safety programs. The ASPM is also responsible for the conduct of public relations activities in the local field office. ASPMs appoint Aviation safety Counselors (ASC) from the private sector to assist the FAA in the promotion and conduct of its safety programs. ASCs also provide individual counseling to airmen. The Aviation Safety Counselors report to their Aviation Safety Program Manager who in turn, reports to the Office Manager.
Airworthiness Inspector (AWI)= The AWI reports directly to the Air Carrier Airworthiness Supervisor or the General Aviation Airworthiness Supervisor. He or she is responsible for surveillance, compliance, and enforcement of the maintenance requirements of either air carrier certificate holders (as assigned), or general aviation operations.
Principle Operations Inspector (POI)= The POI either reports directly to the Air Carrier Operations Supervisor or the General Aviation Operations Supervisor. He or she is responsible for surveillance, compliance, and enforcement of operations of either air carrier certificate holders (a typical workload may consist of 5-15 specific assigned air carriers), or general aviation operations.
Cabin Safety Inspectors (CSI)= The Cabin Safety Inspector is responsible for surveillance, compliance, and enforcement of cabin safety matters of air carrier certificate holders (as assigned) or general aviation cabin safety matters. The CSI reports to the POI responsible for the assigned certificate holder or general aviation operation.
Avionics Inspector (AI)= the Avionics Inspector is responsible for surveillance, compliance, and enforcement of air carrier certificate holder's avionics (as assigned), or general aviation aircraft avionics as required. The AI either reports to the Air Carrier Airworthiness Supervisor or General Aviation Airworthiness Supervisor, depending on assignment.
*Private Sector:
The FAA basically over the years adopted a new method to cope with the emerging technology and growth of the aviation field. The FAA was short of FAA personnel to satisfy the demands of industry, thus the FAA turned to the private sector under the authority of FAR part 21 subpart J, the FAA can initiate procedures known as :
Delegation Option Authorization (DOA)=
Under the authority of FAR part 183 the FAA can designate certain private individuals to act as Representatives of the Administrator, these method demonstrate the enormous power of this agency, that can seek out and authorize private individuals and industry to help fulfill its mission.
+ Covers small aircraft and components =
+ Designated Manufacturing Company Representative (DMCR)= FAR part 183.31 authorizes a DMCR to issue the following FAA documents: (1) Original airworthiness certificates,
(2) Export certificates of airworthiness and airworthiness approval tags,
(3) Experimental certificates of airworthiness for which the manufacturer holds the type certificate,
(4) Special flight permits to export aircraft;
(5) And conduct inspections that determine that prototype products conform to design specifications and are in condition for safe operation.
Representatives of the Administrator: Requirements for the designation of the private persons to act as representatives of the Administrator, FAA authorizes these individuals to act in place of the FAA to examine, inspect, and test persons and aircraft for the purpose of issuing airman and aircraft certificates.
Aviation medical Examiners: Aviation Medical Examiners are qualified physicians designated by the Federal Air Surgeon or his authorized representative within the FAA. A physician must apply to the FAA for this designation. The Aviation Medical Examiner is authorized to accept applications for and give medical examinations necessary to issue medical certificates under FAR part 67, issue student pilot certificates as specified in FAR part 61.85, and, as requested, participate in aircraft accident investigations.
Pilot examiners: Pilot Examiners are qualified pilots designated by any local Flight Standards Inspector. Any pilot examiner, instrument rating examiner, or airline transport pilot examiner may, as authorized in his designation, accept applications for and conduct flight tests necessary for issuing pilots certificates and ratings: and, at the discretion of the appropriate Flight Standards Inspector, issue temporary pilot certificates and ratings to qualified applicants. In air carrier operations, the POI will approve examiners designated as check airmen. These individuals conduct the required flight tests for pilots flying under an air carrier certificate. The check airman is only authorized to conduct examinations of pilots operating under the air carrier certificate for which the check airman is approved.
Technical Personnel Examiners: Technical Personnel Examiners are either a designated mechanic examiner (DME), designated parachute rigger examiner (DPRE), air traffic control tower operator examiner (DFEE), designated flight navigator examiner (DFNE), or designated aircraft dispatcher examiner (DADE) designated by any local Flight Standards Inspection. The Technical Personnel Examiner may accept applications for and conduct testing as required for his designated field, and issue the appropriate certificates as authorized by the FAA.
Designated Aircraft Maintenance Inspector (DAMI): The DAMI is a mechanic authorized by any local Flight Standards Inspector to approve maintenance on civil aircraft used by United States military flying clubs.
Designated Engineering Representative (DER): depending on his qualification and FAA authorization, may approve (1) Structural engineering information and considerations
(2) Power plant installations
(3) Systems and equipment engineering information
(4) Radio design and engineering information
(5) Engine design, operation, and service
(6) Propeller engineering design, operation, and maintenance
(7) Flight test information regarding FAA compliance
(8) Aircraft noise certification
Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representative (DMIR): DHIRs are selected by the Chief of the Aircraft Manufacturing Division, or the Chief's designee, from qualified persons who apply by letter accompanied by a "Statement of Qualifications of Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representative." The DMIR is responsible for all manufacturing inspections required by the FAA.
Designated Airworthiness Representative (DAR): DARs are selected by the Director of Airworthiness, or his designee, from qualified persons who apply by a letter accompanied by a letter accompanied by a "Statement of Qualifications of Designated Airworthiness Representative." The DAR may perform examination, inspection, and testing services necessary to the issuance of certificates including areas of maintenance, manufacturing, and engineering as authorized by the Director of Airworthiness.
*FAA Strategic Plan
(1)Reduce fatal accidents: Safety- Reduce U.S. aviation fatal accident rates by 80 percent by the year 2007 from 1996 levels. The performance goals for this mission goal include:
>By the year 2007, reduce the U.S. aviation fatal accident rates per aircraft departure, as measured by a 3-year moving average, by 80 percent from the 3 year average for 1994-1996.
>Reduce the number and type of fatalities and losses by type of accident.
>Reduce the risk of mortality to a passenger or flight crew member on a typical flight.
(2) Prevent security incidents: Security-Prevent security incidents in the aviation system.
>Increase the ability to detect improvised explosive devises and weapons in checked and carry-on baggage and on the person with no significant operational impact by the year 2003.
>Reduce the vulnerability of airports and airways facilities as measured by risk assessments by the year 2005.
(3) Enhance system efficiency: Sytem Efficiency-Provide an aerospace transportation system that meets the needs of users and is efficient in the application of FAA and aerospace resources. The performance goals for this mission goal include:
>Reduce the average call waiting times for Automated Flight Service Stations (AFSS) by 20% from the 1994 baseline by 1999.
>By the year 2000, reduce the rates of volume and equipment related delays by 20% from 1994 baseline.
Of particular importance is the Office of Chief Counsel. This office is the legal arm of the FAA regarding regulatory interpretation. The Chief Counsel has responsibility for all legal activities of the Federal Aviation Administration.
* Regional Offices
FAA Region consists of a regional headquarters, field offices and facilities.
Regional headquarters consists of the Office of the Regional Administrator, which is responsible for the overall management of the Regional Administrator, which is responsible for the overall management of the specific region ; support staff, who advice the Regional Administrator; and program divisions, which direct the operational activities of the field offices and facilities.
* Locations
* Lead Region Concept:
The FAA was too widely scattered, and in order to satisfactorily meet the requirement of certifying new transport category aircraft, an alternate method of the certification process was necessary.
*District Offices & Field Offices:
The manufacturing Inspection District Offices (MIDO)= The MIDO provides for original and supplemental airworthiness certification or approval of civil aircraft, engines propellers, parts and appliances including surplus military products and parts. It also conducts inspection surveillance of manufacturing facilities producing civil aircraft, engines and propellers to determine compliance with prescribed safety standards.
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Airport District Offices (ADO)=ADOs are outlying units or extensions of regional Airport Divisions. They advise and assist public agencies and their agents with the submission of project requests for establishing, improving , equipping, and financing of airports under the Airport Development Aid Program and in obtaining surplus property Disposal Program. They also provide advisory services to the owners and operators of both public and private airports regarding the operation of both public and private airports regarding the operation and maintenance of their airports.
Airways Facilities Sector Field Office (AFSFO)= The AFSFO is subordinate to the Airway Facilities Sector and is located away from the sector headquarters. It is sometimes the reporting point for more subordinate technical units called airway facilities sector Field Office Units (AFSFOU).
Civil Aviation Security Field Office (CASFO)= The CASFO administers and monitors FAA's civil aviation security programs designed to combat hijacking and sabotage. They maintain liaison with airlines, airport operators, government, industry, and law enforcement officials on air transportation matters.
Flight Inspection Field Offices (FIFOs) and Flight Inspection Groups (FIGs)= These organizations conduct in-flight inspections and evaluations of all navigation and landing aids and certify, decertify, or landing purposes. They also make site surveys and determine the safety and practicability of associated flight procedures.
Flight Standards District Office (FSDO)= The FSDO combines functions of an Air Carrier District Office (ACDO) and General Aviation District Office (GADO) which at one time were separate offices. The Air Carrier office conducts those activities within their respective districts relating to the certification, inspection, and surveillance of operations, maintenance programs and facilities of air carriers and commercial operators. The General Aviation office conducts those air safety programs relating to certification, inspection, and surveillance of general aviation operators.
* FAA Operational facilities:
Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT)= The ATCT terminal facility, through the use of air/ ground communications, visual signaling, and other devices, provides air traffic control (ATC) services to airborne aircraft operating in the vicinity of an airport and to aircraft operating on the movement area.
Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC)= The ARTCC facility provides air traffic control services to aircraft operating on Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plans within controlled air space, principally during the enroute phase of flight. When equipment capabilities and controller workload permit, certain advisory/ assistance services may be provided to aircraft flying under Visual Flight Rules.
Airways Facilities Sector (AFS)= Airway Facilities Sectors are major organizational elements operating in the field environment. They handle system maintenance operations and provide engineering services on a day-to-day basis under the general direction of the regional AF Division. These organizations conduct a maintenance and certification program to assure the continued operation, accuracy, and reliability of all air traffic control, air navigation, communication facilities and ancillary equipment assigned to them. Sector managers report directly to the regional Airway Facilities Division Chief.
Flight Service Station (FSS)= An FSS is an Air Traffic facility which provides pilot briefing, enroute communication and Visual Flight Rules (VFR) search and rescue services. It assists lost aircraft and aircraft in emergency situation, relays ATC clearances, originates Notices to Airmen, broadcasts aviation weather and NAS information, receives and processes IFR flight plans and monitors radio air navigation facilities (NAVAIDS). At selected locations, FSSs provide enroute Flight Advisory Service (Flight Watch). In addition, some Automated Flight Service Stations are responsible for extended service areas.
Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON)= The TRACON is an air traffic control facility that uses radar and air/ ground communications to provide approach control services to aircraft arriving, departing or transiting the airspace controlled by the facility. Service may be provided to both civil and military airports. A TRACON is similar to RAPCON (USAF), RATCF (Navy) and ARAC (Army).
FAA international field office: Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center, LOCATED in Oklahoma City, it also contains the FAA Academy and Civil Aviation Medical Institute (CAMI).
*Types of Inspectors:
Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI)= ASI is a title assigned to all FAA inspectors assigned to a field office.
Aviation Safety Program Manager (ASPM)= The Aviation Safety Program Manager is responsible for initiating and conducting FAA aviation safety programs. The ASPM is also responsible for the conduct of public relations activities in the local field office. ASPMs appoint Aviation safety Counselors (ASC) from the private sector to assist the FAA in the promotion and conduct of its safety programs. ASCs also provide individual counseling to airmen. The Aviation Safety Counselors report to their Aviation Safety Program Manager who in turn, reports to the Office Manager.
Airworthiness Inspector (AWI)= The AWI reports directly to the Air Carrier Airworthiness Supervisor or the General Aviation Airworthiness Supervisor. He or she is responsible for surveillance, compliance, and enforcement of the maintenance requirements of either air carrier certificate holders (as assigned), or general aviation operations.
Principle Operations Inspector (POI)= The POI either reports directly to the Air Carrier Operations Supervisor or the General Aviation Operations Supervisor. He or she is responsible for surveillance, compliance, and enforcement of operations of either air carrier certificate holders (a typical workload may consist of 5-15 specific assigned air carriers), or general aviation operations.
Cabin Safety Inspectors (CSI)= The Cabin Safety Inspector is responsible for surveillance, compliance, and enforcement of cabin safety matters of air carrier certificate holders (as assigned) or general aviation cabin safety matters. The CSI reports to the POI responsible for the assigned certificate holder or general aviation operation.
Avionics Inspector (AI)= the Avionics Inspector is responsible for surveillance, compliance, and enforcement of air carrier certificate holder's avionics (as assigned), or general aviation aircraft avionics as required. The AI either reports to the Air Carrier Airworthiness Supervisor or General Aviation Airworthiness Supervisor, depending on assignment.
*Private Sector:
The FAA basically over the years adopted a new method to cope with the emerging technology and growth of the aviation field. The FAA was short of FAA personnel to satisfy the demands of industry, thus the FAA turned to the private sector under the authority of FAR part 21 subpart J, the FAA can initiate procedures known as :
Delegation Option Authorization (DOA)=
Under the authority of FAR part 183 the FAA can designate certain private individuals to act as Representatives of the Administrator, these method demonstrate the enormous power of this agency, that can seek out and authorize private individuals and industry to help fulfill its mission.
+ Covers small aircraft and components =
+ Designated Manufacturing Company Representative (DMCR)= FAR part 183.31 authorizes a DMCR to issue the following FAA documents: (1) Original airworthiness certificates,
(2) Export certificates of airworthiness and airworthiness approval tags,
(3) Experimental certificates of airworthiness for which the manufacturer holds the type certificate,
(4) Special flight permits to export aircraft;
(5) And conduct inspections that determine that prototype products conform to design specifications and are in condition for safe operation.
Representatives of the Administrator: Requirements for the designation of the private persons to act as representatives of the Administrator, FAA authorizes these individuals to act in place of the FAA to examine, inspect, and test persons and aircraft for the purpose of issuing airman and aircraft certificates.
Aviation medical Examiners: Aviation Medical Examiners are qualified physicians designated by the Federal Air Surgeon or his authorized representative within the FAA. A physician must apply to the FAA for this designation. The Aviation Medical Examiner is authorized to accept applications for and give medical examinations necessary to issue medical certificates under FAR part 67, issue student pilot certificates as specified in FAR part 61.85, and, as requested, participate in aircraft accident investigations.
Pilot examiners: Pilot Examiners are qualified pilots designated by any local Flight Standards Inspector. Any pilot examiner, instrument rating examiner, or airline transport pilot examiner may, as authorized in his designation, accept applications for and conduct flight tests necessary for issuing pilots certificates and ratings: and, at the discretion of the appropriate Flight Standards Inspector, issue temporary pilot certificates and ratings to qualified applicants. In air carrier operations, the POI will approve examiners designated as check airmen. These individuals conduct the required flight tests for pilots flying under an air carrier certificate. The check airman is only authorized to conduct examinations of pilots operating under the air carrier certificate for which the check airman is approved.
Technical Personnel Examiners: Technical Personnel Examiners are either a designated mechanic examiner (DME), designated parachute rigger examiner (DPRE), air traffic control tower operator examiner (DFEE), designated flight navigator examiner (DFNE), or designated aircraft dispatcher examiner (DADE) designated by any local Flight Standards Inspection. The Technical Personnel Examiner may accept applications for and conduct testing as required for his designated field, and issue the appropriate certificates as authorized by the FAA.
Designated Aircraft Maintenance Inspector (DAMI): The DAMI is a mechanic authorized by any local Flight Standards Inspector to approve maintenance on civil aircraft used by United States military flying clubs.
Designated Engineering Representative (DER): depending on his qualification and FAA authorization, may approve (1) Structural engineering information and considerations
(2) Power plant installations
(3) Systems and equipment engineering information
(4) Radio design and engineering information
(5) Engine design, operation, and service
(6) Propeller engineering design, operation, and maintenance
(7) Flight test information regarding FAA compliance
(8) Aircraft noise certification
Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representative (DMIR): DHIRs are selected by the Chief of the Aircraft Manufacturing Division, or the Chief's designee, from qualified persons who apply by letter accompanied by a "Statement of Qualifications of Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representative." The DMIR is responsible for all manufacturing inspections required by the FAA.
Designated Airworthiness Representative (DAR): DARs are selected by the Director of Airworthiness, or his designee, from qualified persons who apply by a letter accompanied by a letter accompanied by a "Statement of Qualifications of Designated Airworthiness Representative." The DAR may perform examination, inspection, and testing services necessary to the issuance of certificates including areas of maintenance, manufacturing, and engineering as authorized by the Director of Airworthiness.
*FAA Strategic Plan
(1)Reduce fatal accidents: Safety- Reduce U.S. aviation fatal accident rates by 80 percent by the year 2007 from 1996 levels. The performance goals for this mission goal include:
>By the year 2007, reduce the U.S. aviation fatal accident rates per aircraft departure, as measured by a 3-year moving average, by 80 percent from the 3 year average for 1994-1996.
>Reduce the number and type of fatalities and losses by type of accident.
>Reduce the risk of mortality to a passenger or flight crew member on a typical flight.
(2) Prevent security incidents: Security-Prevent security incidents in the aviation system.
>Increase the ability to detect improvised explosive devises and weapons in checked and carry-on baggage and on the person with no significant operational impact by the year 2003.
>Reduce the vulnerability of airports and airways facilities as measured by risk assessments by the year 2005.
(3) Enhance system efficiency: Sytem Efficiency-Provide an aerospace transportation system that meets the needs of users and is efficient in the application of FAA and aerospace resources. The performance goals for this mission goal include:
>Reduce the average call waiting times for Automated Flight Service Stations (AFSS) by 20% from the 1994 baseline by 1999.
>By the year 2000, reduce the rates of volume and equipment related delays by 20% from 1994 baseline.
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